Topic outline

  • IB Theatre Course Work 2015/16


    This two year course enables students to understand theatre through the three core areas of the syllabus:

    Theatre in context: understanding the contexts that influence, inform and inspire their work as theatre makers; experience practically and critically theoretical contexts that inform world theatre practices and become informed about many cultural contexts within which theatre is created.

    Theatre processes: exploring and acquiring skills, techniques and processes involved in theatre-making. Students reflect on their own creative processes and skills acquisition as they gain practical understanding of the process of creators, designers, directors and performers.

    Presenting theatre: apply practical theatre skills, individually and collaboratively, through a range of formats; present ideas about theatre and take part in performances and understanding how artistic choices can impact an audience.


  • Solo Theatre Piece

    External assessment details—HL only

    Task 1: Solo theatre piece (HL only)

    HL 35% 

    Learning a preparation assessment in Year One

    External Assessment Year Two

  • Research Presentation

    HL 20%, SL 30%

    Individual presentation to peers

    • Director's Notebook External Assessment

      Chosen play text: two moments of the play.

      HL 25%, SL 25%

      Learning and pre-assessments Year One

      External Assessment Year Two

      Students at HL and SL independently choose a published play text, read the text and record their personal responses. They then: 

      research and record the cultural and/or theoretical context of the play and identify ideas the playwright may be addressing 

      explore the play and record their own ideas regarding how this play may be staged for an audience 

      explain their directorial intention(s) and explain how this will inform their staging of two particular moments of the play; these can be moments of atmosphere, emotion or tension or which communicate the meaning(s) of the play; they must demonstrate an understanding of how performance and production elements function together to create these moments 

      reference live performances they have experienced and how these have influenced, inspired or informed their directing of these moments. The live theatre performances must not be productions of the same play text selected for study in this assessment task. 

    • Collaborative Project

      Collaborative Project HL 25%, SL 25%

      Students at HL and SL collaboratively create and present an original piece of theatre (lasting 13–15 minutes) to a specified target audience from a starting point selected by the ensemble. They submit a process portfolio (15 pages maximum) which documents their own individual approaches and skills, the exploration of the starting point selected by the ensemble, the nature of the collaboration and the student’s individual contribution to the creation and presentation of the piece of theatre. The student submits a video recording (4 minutes maximum) in support of the process portfolio which the student selects from the unedited video recording of the created piece. 

      • Topic 6

        • Topic 7